Purrgil Package

A package is ANYTHING that you can pull from somewhere! The model from a package it's simple: You have a name a alias from the folder name (that represents your namespace), the identity how the property name says, this is a ID from your package, a unique string that usually be a github <name>/<repo> or a dockerhub image name. To finish we have package download properties as provider to identify the download source (github, bitbucket or dockerhub), a ssh flag and if the package will turn a service into dockercompose :)

Where I use that?

Packages are saved into your purrgil.yml with the purpose of remember the sources from mount your development environment and in the future use the data for construct images and deploy them.

How it works

A package is a go struct find here

    type PurrgilPackage struct {
        Name     string `yaml:"name"`
        Identity   string `yaml:"identity"`
        Provider string `yaml:"provider"`
        Service  bool   `yaml:"service"`

We use that mainly into PurrgilConfig struct here

type Purrgil struct {
    yaml         Yaml
    Name       string           `yaml:"name"`
    Packages []PurrgilPackage `yaml:"packages,omitempty"`
    Settings    PurrgilSettings  `yaml:"settings,omitempty"`

In the rest of code we use PurrgilPackage unique as a type, to invoke that in most of cases we use method NewPurrgilPackage(string, AddConfig{}) to create a instance. The AddConfig can be found here and brings inside the command purrgil add settings:

type AddConfig struct {
    IsService             bool
    Provider              string
    HttpsMode          bool
    CustomName     string
    ComposeConfig bool

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